Hi, I’m sorry this is probably a stupid question. I’m trying to use a combobox in an instrument of mine but for some reason I can’t seem to get any values out of it. I’ve tried putting comboboxes in example instruments and have gotten values printed as they should but I can’t get the widget to work properly in things I make. Here is a simple test I made (it’s just a combobox) and it demonstrates the struggle I’m having:
form caption("Combobox Test") size(400, 300), colour(220, 220, 220), pluginid("def1")
combobox bounds(54, 34, 80, 20) channel("Test") text("one", "two", "three", "four")
-n -d -+rtmidi=NULL -M0 -m0d --midi-key-cps=4 --midi-velocity-amp=5
; Initialize the global variables.
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
;instrument will be triggered by keyboard widget
instr 1
ktest chnget "Test"
printk2 ktest
;causes Csound to run for about 7000 years...
f0 z
Any help would be appreciated!