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Combobox will not use item 7 (neither will it use 14) (resolved)

I have a combobox with 23 items, for some reason it refuses to let me select item number 7, or item number 14.
Everything else seems ok, but when I select item 7 (“pitch” in this case, but I’ve tried renaming it to something else too), the combobox just slips vack to the previous selection, and does not print any change in the output string.

form caption("Test"), size(400, 200), pluginID("menu")
combobox channel("parm"), bounds(20, 12, 100, 20), items("rms", "rms_dB", "transient", "trans_dens", "env_crest", "env_dyn", "pitch", "s_centroid", "s_spread", "s_skewness", "s_kurtosis", "s_flatness", "s_crest", "s_flux", "rhythm_irreg", "rhythm_cons", "rhyt_con_dev", "ra_flux", "ra_crest", "mfcc1", "mfcc2", "mfcc3", "mfcc_diff"), value(1), channeltype("string")
csoundoutput bounds(5, 40, 390, 150), text("Output")

-dm0 -n 
instr 1
Sparm chnget "parm"
ktrig changed Sparm
puts Sparm, ktrig+1

i 1 0 86400

How bizarre. I’ll take a look.

[edit 1] Just tried it there and couldn’t replicate the problem you are having? Must try it now in plugin mode…

[edit 2] Yes, I can recreate this behavior with Cabbage 1 in standalone mode. But not Cabbage 2. It works fine there. Would it be Ok for you if, when I get back to Ireland (next week), I prepare you a full build of Cabbage 2 for Windows, with plugin libraries, and updated OSC opcodes for you to try? The thoughts of pulling bout the combobox system in Cabbage 1 gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Hi, Sorry for the delay. Yes, cool, it works fine in Cabbage2 here too. It’s ok to use that. I also found I could use a ‘—’ item in the combobox just as a workaround if I really need to use it in Cabbage 1.

Now, this issue seems to magically have crept back.
Item 7 in a combobox will not be properly displayed when selected.
If I select item 7 (“pitch” in one of the comboboxes in the example , “seven” in the other comboboxbox), then the channel will output the correct value (7), but the combobox display will jump back to the item above it. E.g. to display “six” in the second combobox in the example.

form size(200, 200), caption("test"), pluginID("test")
combobox channel("source1"), bounds(10, 10, 100, 20), items("rms", "rms_dB", "transient", "trans_dens", "env_crest", "env_dyn", "pitch", "s_centroid", "s_spread", "s_skewness", "s_kurtosis", "s_flatness", "s_crest", "s_flux", "rhythm_irreg", "rhythm_cons", "rhyt_con_dev", "ra_flux", "ra_crest", "mfcc1", "mfcc2", "mfcc3", "mfcc_diff"), value(1)
combobox channel("source2"), bounds(10, 100, 100, 20), items("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen", "twenty", "twentyone", "twentytwo", "twentythree"), value(1)
-n -d
sr = 44100
nchnls = 2
instr 1
k1 chnget "source1"
k2 chnget "source2"
printk2 k1
printk2 k2, 10
i1 0 3600

Ouch. I did update some Combo stuff recently. I may have inadvertently brought this back in. Apologies. I will try to get it sorted asap.

[edit] I’m not seeing this issue on Linux or the latest build for OSX. I will run off a new Windows build for you later and see if the problem persists, but it looks like it has already been resolved.