I have a combobox with 23 items, for some reason it refuses to let me select item number 7, or item number 14.
Everything else seems ok, but when I select item 7 (“pitch” in this case, but I’ve tried renaming it to something else too), the combobox just slips vack to the previous selection, and does not print any change in the output string.
form caption("Test"), size(400, 200), pluginID("menu")
combobox channel("parm"), bounds(20, 12, 100, 20), items("rms", "rms_dB", "transient", "trans_dens", "env_crest", "env_dyn", "pitch", "s_centroid", "s_spread", "s_skewness", "s_kurtosis", "s_flatness", "s_crest", "s_flux", "rhythm_irreg", "rhythm_cons", "rhyt_con_dev", "ra_flux", "ra_crest", "mfcc1", "mfcc2", "mfcc3", "mfcc_diff"), value(1), channeltype("string")
csoundoutput bounds(5, 40, 390, 150), text("Output")
-dm0 -n
instr 1
Sparm chnget "parm"
ktrig changed Sparm
puts Sparm, ktrig+1
i 1 0 86400