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Command 'Cabbage: Export as VST3 Synth' resulted in an error


I’m getting the following error when trying to export to both instrument and effect using Cabbage 3


Here’s the .csd, just a simple test:



{"type":"rotarySlider","channel":"gain","bounds":{"left":500,"top":200,"width":80,"height":80}, "text":"Gain", "range":{"min":0,"max":1,"defaultValue":0.5,"skew":1,"increment":0.01}}




-n -d



; Initialize the global variables.

ksmps = 32

nchnls = 2

0dbfs = 1

instr 1




;causes Csound to run for about 7000 years...

i1 0 z



Thanks @hdale94 - I’ll take a look.

Did you get a chance to test vst export on Windows? Tried the newest version of vscabbage, but I’m still getting the same error on windows 10 :thinking:

Crap, I will check this tomorrow. I was looking for this message but somehow couldn’t find it! Thanks for the reminder!

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This should be fixed now. I’ve also added a new option in the settings to bundle resources into the plugin folder. Let me know if you can now export Ok. New build should be ready shortly.

I tried to export to VST with version 1.0.33 using the “button” example, and the instrument causes a crash in the DAW (Nuendo, Ableton). Studio One doesn’t crash, but I can’t see the user interface, it seems something is wrong.
I’m not clear on this point from the documentation: “Bundle Resources Tells Cabbage to bundle all resources into the plugin folder, otherwise, all resources, including the .csd file, will be placed into the CabbageAdio resources directory.” That’s why I’m unsure whether I should bundle the resources before or after exporting the synthesizer as a VST3. Also, I don’t see any .csd file inside the folder, I only see a .vst3 file and a .pdb file.

Oh I just added that today, it’s probably best to disable that option for now. Your resources will appear in the c:/ program data / cabbage audio folder. I tested this today before pushing and it was working ok. But I’ll take a look.

I’m away from home currently, thought I had a windows laptop here but I can’t seem find it… I’ll look some more, but otherwise I will test it when I get back in a week :+1:

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