Hey Rory, I’m consistently crashing cabbage with the following:
#define GRAPH gentable tablecolour(100,0,255,100), zoom(-1) $GRAPH bounds(7, 50, 140, 115) identchannel("graph1"), tablenumber(1), amprange(-1, 1, 1), visible(1)
However, if I manually expand the macro, writing it as:
gentable tablecolour(100,0,255,100), zoom(-1) bounds(7, 50, 140, 115) identchannel("graph1"), tablenumber(1), amprange(-1, 1, 1), visible(1)
It displays properly and doesn’t crash.
I’ve even tested this tacked onto your simple grid example without all of my junk potentially interfering, and it still crashes there too… so I think something’s up.