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Crashing v. 2.9.137 on MacOS Monterey

I came across 2 ways of crashing Cabbage v. 2.9.137 on MacOS Monterey (2.6.1).
One is by entering edit mode and right-clicking (reported before) and another is by selecting Bluetooth MIDI.

Those are not critical issues for me at the moment but might be related to other things, so I wanted to report.

Bluetooth MIDI won’t work. I noticed this before. I have to enable some kind of permission on MacOS to get this to work. But it can be done. I still have no idea why the right-click is causing a crash. When I ran Montery I never had this issue. :thinking:

OK. Thanks! I also had no issues with the older version of Cabbage (v. 2.9.45).

That’s strange as nothing in that GUI code has changed in years. :thinking:

To get into edit mode I first have to run/save otherwise nothing happens or I can’t see the GUI. Is this the same way you get into the edit mode?

Yes, I usually hit Cmd+s, then with the editor in focus Cmd+e to enter edit mode… I don’t think i’ve used the icons to enter this mode :rofl:

I’m starting to encounter some odd behaviour here too. If I can create a similar crash I should be able to fix it…

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