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Csound conference...2024

The Csound conference is happening in Vienna this week. I know some Cabbage users who will be attending, and I look forward to meeting some new users there. For what it’s worth (FWIW), I’ll be giving a talk about new directions for Cabbage 3. Most people here already know what’s going on in that space, but just in case you don’t, I believe the talks will be live-streamed throughout the conference. :slight_smile:


I saw a few short vids on YouTube. I’m excited to see what you’ve been working on!

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Hello! Is there any recording available of the conference? I’ve looked on the event’s website but haven’t found one so far. The integration with VS-Code seems promising

I believe only the keynote talks were recorded. I’m hoping to get a beta of the vs-code extension out soon :+1:

Can you tell us more about the conference? What did you show? What are people excited about? What are you excited about? Thanks!

I showed Cabbage3, or at least the current state of things. I also discussed my motivation for rewriting it from the ground up. I think many people were happy to see things move toward vs-code, which a lot of people already use. The fact that users will be able to dynamically drop in new widgets without having to modify the Cabbage source also seemed like a big hit. In terms of of the most interesting stuff I saw there I really enjoyed seeing Csound run on bare metal boards. This blew my mind, even though I knew it was a thing. Run Csound on a board with no file system is crazy.

Overall I was impressed with the levels of creativity on display. @Dr_Richard_Boulanger and his student’s from Berklee demoed one of the most impressive VR / Music applications I’ve ever seen. Jacopo Greco d’Alceo aka Cordelia, showed us some of the ways he works with Csound. In one instance he showed a plugin he has written for Reaper that allowed him to send live code commands to Csound by simply changing the track name within Reaper. How brilliant and simple an idea, yet so powerful.

I could go on and on, it was truly an inspiring event. I’m sure all the papers will be made available shortly :slight_smile:


@rorywalsh do you know when the “bare metal” version will be available?

I am highly interested in it!


I think it’s already available, but you’ll obviously need to set up some build tools yourself. There was quite a lng thread about it on the Csound forum recently: