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Csound plugins in Cabbage

I am greatly appreciating the extended functionality of Csound that you get with the plugins ( I have installed the plugins in my regular csound install, but they don’t work within Cabbage - I get a syntax error. How do I fix this? Can I point Cabbage to using my regular install in some way?
Best, Andreas

Indeed, it’s quite a collection! Can you provide us with your OS and what version of Csound you’re using? I’ve not had any issues with them myself, but other have reported problems. Can you check that they work in plain old Csound from the command line?

Hi, it turned out that they didn’t work on normal csound either, for some reason (don’t know what I’ve done). And now after a re-install, they work both places. So, all good, and sorry about the fuzz :slight_smile:

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Hi Rory
I’ve run into the same issue again, this time on another mac running MacOS 13.4.1 with Csound 6.18 and Cabbage 2.9.0. I’ve installed and updated all of the Csound plugins with Risset, and they show up as .dylib files in the Opcodes64 folder. I can run opcodes from the plugins in native Csound without issues. When I try to run code using one of the plugins in Cabbage, however, I get a syntax error (pathSplit from libpathtools.dylib). Also, I get a “could not open library” warning for all of the plugin dylibs. I have been trying different things like changing user, permissions and signing for the plugin dylibs, but nothing has yet worked. Do you have any tricks that can fix this?
Best, Andreas

Can you check the architecture of the plugins? You can use the file command to check. Also, when you say they show up in the Opcodes64 folder, are you talking about the one contained within the Csound framework?