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CsoundUnity examples

Puremagntik have a load of plugins made with Cabbage:

They might give you some ideas but they are not open source. Although they do release some plugins with the Csound code made available.

Thanks @rorywalsh, these look fun. Though at this stage I just want to play around with instant results!

@giovannibedetti, thanks for looking into that, it now displays a lot better, (though like you said it crashes when entering playmode). One thing I noticed though with the parsing is that the Effects are not accessible.

On macOS it crashes when I try to send a note, but compiles correctly.
If you still have problems with disabled CsoundUnity instances, I can add a custom define symbol to enable/disable the Check for errors on Windows.

I did some modifications to the ToneZ csd but it is not working.
There are a total of 292 control channel parsed by CsoundUnity. Most of them are groups (still not implemented, but very useful with big csd like this, since folding things reduces cpu used by editor, which is very high for this csd), also buttons need some work, but in general there are a lot of things missing in the parse method.
Iā€™ll have a look at the effects, thanks for finding that!

Ah sorry my bad, yes I mean when I send a note then it crashes. (Iā€™m on Windows)

Thanks again for looking into all this :slight_smile: Let me know if I can help in any way!

Hi @giovannibedetti, the inspector CSoundUnity component looks great now with the drop down, very clean.

Iā€™m just trying to Build/Run a project and running into a couple of errors:

Yes I broke the build, Iā€™m on it. It could take some time!

It should be fixed. Please test! (remove the package and import again)
BTW Letā€™s move bugs to the development thread :sweat_smile:

It works! now I have to fix a few of my own issues :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes youā€™re right, Iā€™ll remember for next time. Cheers!

For now itā€™s not possible to change the csd at runtime, though.

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