I think the Csound score can be of use here. If you set your instruments up to work with p-fields you can achieve a quick way of triggering instruments in particular states. Look at the following instruments:
instr 1
kPartials = 0
if chnget:k("trigger")==1 then
if metro(chnget:k("speed"))==1 then
event "i", "BellSound", 0, chnget:k("duration"), chnget:k("modIndex"), chnget:k("crossFade")
It triggers the sound of a bell using score statements, and all the p-fields can be updated in real-time. The p-fields in this case are all controlled by sliders that the artists can tweak. If the sound designer finds a sound they like they could then save that sound, as a score statement, to a simple text file. It could then be recalled at the push of a button.
Saving real-time slider data could also be implemented. I remember Matt Ingalls showing me an instrument that wrote k values to a file. They could then be recalled later. I actually wrote my own version of a while after. I must see if I could find it. The nice thing is these presets could be triggered from a button in the CsundUnity inspector. And it could all be done on the Csound side without having to write any C# code.