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CsoundUnity Package (UPM) development

Thanks @giovannibedetti, still getting the same error. Can I confirm this is correct? I also tried “MonoEmbed” incase that was a typo, same thing.

EDIT: idk if this helps:

Yes I wrote a wrong path, It should be:


let me know how it goes!

Unfortunately still not working :frowning:

I’m sorry it’s because I’m blind… :sweat_smile:


I tried that too! it’s weird, it’s like it doesn’t register the changes at all… no other errors or anything

So the build is not working?

Well I can open it up and move the GameObject, but as soon as I get the part that’s reliant on CSoundUnity it breaks and adds a second error.

final shot, works on my machine!

Schermata 2020-06-01 alle 17.43.17

note: to test if it is really using this framework I rename the installed csound at MY_HD/Library/Frameworks/

oh hang on… I don’t have anything in my HD/Library/Frameworks referring to CSound… it’s not installing it automatically?

Also, your filepath above is still under Contents/Frameworks/MonoEmbedRuntime/ instead of Contents/MonoBleedingEdge?

No Csound is not installed!
We use the libs contained in the CsoundUnity package (under Runtime, for platform), so it works even if you have no Csound installed in the System.

Contents is the first folder I have when I open the .app package with right click on it, Show Package Content:
Schermata 2020-06-01 alle 18.01.53
Schermata 2020-06-01 alle 18.03.06
Schermata 2020-06-01 alle 18.03.48

Yeah okay I just got confused from what you said:

to test if it is really using this framework I rename the installed csound at MY_HD/Library/Frameworks/

Otherwise my filepath looks exactly the same as yours so I’m stumped…

I’ll send you an app to try ok?

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Yep this works. Just a blank scene with the granulated audio right?

So I guess it’s something with my build… I’ll continue my investigation then

Yes this is an audio only scene with no inputs, just csd playback.
I don’t know, maybe try to use the framework from the package I sent you!

Out of curiosity, does it works on Editor on macOS? The framework is found? did you try it?

I haven’t got Unity set up on my Mac (as I’m mostly running VR stuff), but I can give this a go for this project.

it could be useful!
If it’s not a big problem to install the 2019.3.9f1 editor please try it :smiley:
build problems are very ugly for a library :sweat_smile:

OH ****!! Using your Framework has fixed it!!

The strange thing is that it should be the same!
It could be the only thing that was wrong. So this version should be used in the package.
Then one day we will look into the postBuild script to copy the framework in the right location…
Thanks for this test!

Super weird, yeah the only noticeable difference between the two is that some of the contents in yours are shortcuts to content in /Versions/6.0… where as mine are not shortcuts

I imagine you used the one that comes with the package