I’m using the last release of Cabbage 64 bit on Windows 7 pro 64 bit. When I try to put a knob png strip (knobman made) as many I used do in Kontakt, Cabbage goes crash everytimes. Where I wrong?
Customizing the sliders causes a Cabbage crash
Are you using this version:
If so can you share your .csd file and image files, or PM them to me?
I downoladed it from here https://github.com/rorywalsh/cabbage/releases/download/v2.0.03/Cabbage64Setup.exe
Is it better I downolad the last build from GitHub?
Best to download the one from the appveyor one I linked.
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Ok, should I uninstall the other one before? I ask that because it’s smaller than the old one.
Yes, uninstall the last one.
Done. I sent you a PM