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Deprecating textbox

The little used textbox widget is being deprecated. It will continue to function as it used to, but it will be removed from the docs. The texteditor component can do everything the textbox used to, and a lot more. I see little use in maintaining both :+1:

p.s. I’ve updated the two instruments that used a textbox in the Cabbage examples.

Wasn’t textbox used to display some text contained within a .txt file? Can texteditor do that?

Yes. It has been able to do that for a long time. textbox came before texteditor. I don’t think any of your main instruments use it. There were 2 instructional instruments that did, which I’ve updated.

Ah. file() is not included as an identifier in the docs for texteditor.

I know, there are a few issues with the docs, but they are mostly fixed in GIT. I’m working on updating all the docs with the latest changes, and in the next week or so I would like to put an official 2.6 release out there.