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Detabify the example .csd files to tab = 8 spaces

All the example .csd files I have seen use tabs, and Cabbage expands these to every 4th column. I think Tab = 4 columns is generally the best for programming, but in the past I used 8 columns with Csound .orc and .sco files since I had many lines with numerous long numbers of them, aligned in columns under a heading. Now I would be happy with tab = 4, implemented as spaces.

When editing a file, Cabbage implements the Tab key as spaces to the next 4th column, which I think is fine. It would be good to allow another setting, such as 8.

All these example files I have seen were written for tab meaning every 8th column. I suggest detabifying all the example files to 8 spaces. This will make the comments and other elements line up as the author intended them, which is clearer and more attractive than the current arrangement of every 4th column.

What examples are you referring to? I’m happy to add an extra option for people to set the number of spaces for tabs, that shouldn’t be a problem.

I’ve added a new user settings options to allow a custom number of spaces for tabs.