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Does Cabbage crash sometimes leave a process running?


I noticed this myself yesterday once or twice and was stumped as to what was causing it, I’m running Sierra 10.12. A student of mine experienced it too today in class, he’s running Mojave 10.14.6.

Both of us saw the same problems described by @boonier_due in his first post.

I thought it might be the white-spaces thing after reading this, and I could recreate the bug by adding white-spaces too, but then I realised none of the names of the csds I was running previously had any white-spaces (I try and avoid them like plague when naming files) and neither did my student’s.

This was the case for me too but it doesn’t seems to trigger the process that’s hogging the CPU though. Something else must be causing that, I can’t recreate it though.

I ran activity monitor when this had happened previously (and today in class on the student’s laptop) and I saw a process using +90% of the CPU called CsoundTest which I had to force quit.

This process continues to run even after quitting Cabbage.


Tis weird. I can’t even see this process in activity monitor @Shane!

Hi @Shane, can you remove CsoundTest from the folder? Good spot. If there is an issue with this little app I wouldn’t have noticed it in my local builds as it’s not in my debug folder, so Cabbage won’t pick up on it…

Good man Shane. Looks like that was the issue. Removing that app seems to have fixed it for me. White spaces in either the path or file name seemed to be causing issue with the CsoundTest app. This little app btw is just there to test Csound code for memory problems before Cabbage starts. If CsoundTest spots any it should stop Cabbage from executing the code, thus preventing an immediate crash. I’ll try to get it working again asap.

[edit] I’m just running off a new build now… I’ll let you know when it’s cooked.


Good spot! Works for me :slight_smile: thanks

Yup, that seems to have done it! Nice wan :+1:

New build available here:
I’ll run off a new release with this fix and publish it on the github page. I’ll revisit the CsoundTest app once I get a chance…

Great, thanks Rory!

I was just reading this thread and the problem is very familiar to me !
With my own tests I did a few weeks ago, some examples stop to work after one error, until I log out or restart the computer, and I suspected that it was some process that was hanging.

I was thinking the same thing myself. I’m glad others started reporting it too as I was really stumped on it!