Is CabbageAudio embeddable similarly to libpd is for Pure Data? That one can run CabbageAudio as a library?
Embeddable CabbageAudio?
Not quite, although technically speaking, when you run it as a plugin it’s loaded like a library. Cabbage uses libCsound in the same way other projects use libpd. The Csound library provides all the processing power. Cabbage is basically just a graphical framework for running and controlling Csound. In what way were you thinking of using it?
I was coining with the idea of using CSound for sound synthesis in real-time computer graphics (e.g. games). That’s what some people are using or trying to use libpd for.
But I guess this would be doable with the “plain” CSound API, without CabbageAudio source code.
That’s right, in this case it would be more straightforward to use the Csound library directly. For what it’s worth, I wrote a Csound interface for Unity that I use for games. You can take a look here: