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End User is Not Sound

Hello All

I’m just looking for some information on package builders for the end user who do not have Csound installed. I saw in the FAQ that there are a number of builders available but couldn’t find any information in the forum. I’m working on a Mac.



Actually it looks like Packages will do the job for me.


That’s what most use on OSX. Let us know if you have any issues. So you must be close to releasing a new plugin? Please let us know when it’s ready :+1:

When packing everything together, does anyone have any advice on how you package Csound. Do you include an installer of Csound/Cabbage?



What platform are you on Eoin? The simplest solution is to additionally install Csound, but users might not want to have this extra software installed. In that case, on OSX, you can put Csound into the plugin resources folder and then do a quick relink of binaries. On Windows you will need to statically link Csound to Cabbage. This will involve building Cabbage yourself.