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Error exporting AU or VST / OSC

On OS X this only works for me when I press a midi key. The metro(1) does not seem to do anything…

Sorry, I have instr 1 running all the time. It’s not midi driven. But I’m trying it with plain old Csound.

Ok, I was able to get around that error message by passing an IP address instead of localhost. Still can’t see any messages in my OSC monitor though…

[edit] right, now I’m seeing something in the monitor. Next, I’ll try this with Cabbage…

[edit] so this just bring Cabbage crashing. The debugger brings me to the Csound library. I’m not sure what’s causing this…

I guess Csound needs to generate audio, even if it is dummy (level 0)
I’ll try that soon.

Ok, the problem was that you omitted the NULL in your -+rtmidi CsOptions flag. That was causing the crash for me. So once I fixed that it all work as I expect.

And so it does, sorry for the fuss. As a thank you here’s my story about the alien encounter my wife and I had 2 years ago. Slightly Off topic, but very interesting…

Wow, that’s about as off topic as you can get :joy: glad that it’s working now :+1:

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