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Example in Cabbage docs not working?


Is it me or does this one not work? Seems the problem is getting the values from the step checkbox and not writing anything to the array, or rather it is writing to the array, but not getting the values from chnget.

Maybe it’s me, I’m v tired :slight_smile:

Thanks, you’re right, not quite sure what’s up, but I did dig up another example for you that does work, and also features a mechanism for randomly generating new patterns. Let me know if it works Ok.

WidgetArrays.csd (1.7 KB)

Thanks Rory

Still seems to exhibit the same issue for me - that when just checking the boxes (not hitting toggle for random) they don’t seem to write any values to the array. No sequenced notes play. confused dot com

This is on Cabbage 2 which I suspect you must be using?

You’re right, apologies, I missed this yesterday. I assumed if the random toggle worked, the checkboxes would. Looking into it now.

Ha no problem. Yes I thought it was a bit strange because when I added a checkbox manually and gave it the same name i.e. step1, it not only updated the dynamically generated checkbox of the same name, but also updated the array.

What OS are you using?

macOS 10.12.6

Can you try this version of Cabbage, with this .csd file?
WidgetArrays.csd (1.8 KB)
I believe it should work Ok now.

Yep you’ve nailed it. Thanks :slight_smile: