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Exported VST crashes Reaper

With the older version of Juce?

This zip contains precompiled binaries. The only thing you should need on your end is Csound.

Btw, you might want to check the install script first, just in case you are not happy with where it’s installing things to. You can also run Cabbage directly out of the bin folder.

Reaper still crashes when I try to add the VST…
Maybe it has to do with Reaper, it also crashes for another reason. I filed a question on their forum:
REAPER 6.14 crashes when I press 'clear cache/rescan’
In the VST plugins

Hi Rory
I’ll give the precompiled package ago later - at work atm so grabbing my PC every now and again to play around with this. I just recomplied etc with Juce 5. this end and still crash in both Reaper and Ardour. Same error SIGSEGV in CSound Plugin Processor. I was going to try a VM with a fresh install of everything to rule out a system problem but I’ll try your package first.

yes, but does it crash if you remove the Cabbage plugins first? I will try the precompiled binaries on a VM now myself and see what happens.

Hopefully I can recreate that problem here…

I just installed on a fresh VM and it’s working fine for me.

Neither of you have told me what distro you’re using? I know @zappfinger is using Mint, but I don’t know what version, and I’m not sure what you are using @AMadFool.

Note that both my VM and Linux machine use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. And they both use Csound 6.14.

UbuntuStudio 18.04.5 LTS on this box

This is on Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon.

So we’re all pretty much working off the same platform. I can’t begin to think why I’m not getting the same problems as you guys. WOuld you mind downloading an running the following app:

Scan the Cabbage VSTs and see what it says. If it recognises them try running a test and seeing what happens. Let me know. My plugins pass all tests pluginval…

I’ve just tried your package now Rory - exported plugins ('ve only tried one so far the CZ/PD one) now work for me in both Reaper and Ardour. I noted the installer says it’s skipping past the .lv2 directories but I think this is because lv2 is still work in progress.
I’m still going to try another build without the script on a VM (I’ve just downloaded Lubuntu) and will give it a go to try and find where the issue lay/lies.

Much appreciated @AMadFool! I’ll install Mint in a VM now once its downloaded and see if I can recreate the same problems as @zappfinger is having.

When I do ‘test selected’ on the BassGuitar plugin it shows the GUI for a short moment but then it goes away. When I do ‘test file’ on my vst dir it shows nothing because the filter is set to .vst, files and my directory contains a .so and a .csd file

That’s all it is supposed to do. So it runs the plugin without an issue. There is a console tab in pluginval where you can see the results of the test, but in your case it passes the tests Ok. So it must be something odd happening in Reaper? My Mint won’t be downloaded for another hour or so, but I’ll get back to you when I have some news.

Yes, the log looks ok. But why does it have this name in Reaper? (see printscreen)
I think it is wrong because it is no effect but a synth. And I see no reference to BassGuitar…

Beats me. That’s what I’m downloaded Mint to test this myself. Btw, shouldn’t you have exported the Bass Guitar example as a synth rather than an effect?

But that is what I did - export as a synth…

Hmm, it’s showing as an effect. Are you 100% sure that Reaper is scanning the correct directory? It seems to me like you have it pointing to the Cabbage install directory rather than the folder you export your plugins to?

I have this in my plugin paths:
I export to /home/vsts

That looks right to me. Hmm. Anyhow, I have Mint installing in the background. Let me see what I can see…