My new home project is an implementation of Welsh’s cookbook subtractive synth in csound/cabbage.
And yes, I am stuck with the envelope filter.
There are a lot of suggestions. In another post Rory suggests:
which means that the lowest point of the envelope graph is 0 (or 0.0001 if expsegr
is used) and the peak point is the cut off frequency.
Floss csound manual suggests
kFiltEnv expsegr 0.0001, iFAtt, iCPS*iCF, iFDec, iCPS*iCF*iFSus, iFRel, 0.0001
suggesting that the peak frequency of the (moogladder) filter is the product of the note pitch and the cut off frequency.
Finally a supercollider implementation suggests that the envelope modulates the frequency between cut off frequency and an octave higher.
What am I supposed to do here…
Finally there is a percentage in Welsch’s book:
Envelope: Sets the amount by which the filter envelope controls the amount of
filtering. On some synths this is called the Initial Level setting. Again 0% is the
minimum value and 100% is the maximum .
Any idea, please? On a graph where the adsr line is drawn vs time what are the values of the y-axis?