Hi, I have created my first instrument, based on Iain McCurdy’s PM (Carrier with Feedback) orc.
I get a message, that is related to the function I use to control the several LFOs of the orchestra:
INIT ERROR in instr 1: Invalid ftable no. 0.000000
kFreq_base_tab table.k kndx1 #i2 1 0 0
INIT ERROR in instr 1: table: could not find ftable 0
kFreq_base_tab table.k kndx1 #i2 1 0 0
INIT ERROR in instr 1: Invalid ftable no. 0.000000
kFdb_ratio_tab table.k kndx2 #i7 1 0 0
INIT ERROR in instr 1: table: could not find ftable 0
kFdb_ratio_tab table.k kndx2 #i7 1 0 0
INIT ERROR in instr 1: Invalid ftable no. 0.000000
kamp_env_tab1 table.k kamp_env_indx1 #i10 1 0 0
INIT ERROR in instr 1: table: could not find ftable 0
kamp_env_tab1 table.k kamp_env_indx1 #i10 1 0 0
INIT ERROR in instr 1: Invalid ftable no. 0.000000
aCarrier tablei.a #a13 #i14 1 0 1
INIT ERROR in instr 1: table: could not find ftable 0
aCarrier tablei.a #a13 #i14 1 0 1
Isn’t the syntax of the following orchestra correct to control the function of a table?
rslider bounds(0, 0, 50, 50), channel("Base1"), range(1, 20000, 100, .5, 1), text("CarrBase ", ""),
rslider bounds(50, 0, 50, 50), channel("Range1"), range(0, 20, 0, 1, 0.1), text("Range ", ""),
rslider bounds(100, 0, 50, 50), channel("cps1"), range(0, 16, .1, 1, 0.1), text("Cps ", ""),
combobox bounds(366, 0, 71, 29), channel("Fnz1"), items("100", "101", "102")
combobox bounds(586, 0, 71, 29), channel("Fnz2"), items("100", "101", "102")
combobox bounds(150, 0, 71, 29), channel("Fnz3"), items("100", "101", "102"), popuptext("text", ""),
rslider bounds(218, 0, 50, 50), channel("Base2"), range(0, 10, 1, 1, 0.1), text("FeedBase ", ""),
rslider bounds(268, 0, 50, 50), channel("Range2"), range(0, 20, 0, 1, 0.1), text("Range ", ""),
rslider bounds(318, 0, 50, 50), channel("cps2"), range(0, 16, .1, 1, 0.1), text("Cps ", ""),
rslider bounds(438, 0, 50, 50), channel("Base3"), range(0, 10, .1, 1, 0.1), text("AmpBase ", ""),
rslider bounds(488, 0, 50, 50), channel("Range3"), range(0, 10, 0, 1, 0.1), text("Range ", ""),
rslider bounds(538, 0, 50, 50), channel("cps3"), range(0, 16, .1, 1, 0.1), text("Cps ", ""),
rslider bounds(658, 0, 50, 50), channel("pan"), range(0, 1, .5, 1, 0.1), text("Pan ", ""),
combobox bounds(708, 0, 71, 29), channel("wave1"), items("100", "101", "102")
label bounds(712, 32, 50, 15), text("Wave", ""),
-n -d
sr = 44100
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 2
instr 1
kporttime linseg 0,0.001,1
kfreq_base_base chnget "Base1"
kfreq_base_base portk kfreq_base_base,kporttime*0.05
kfreq_base_range chnget "Range1" ; %%%%%
kfreq_base_range = kfreq_base_base * kfreq_base_range
kcps1 chnget "cps1"
kndx1 phasor kcps1
kFreq_base_fnz chnget "Fnz1"
kFreq_base_tab table kndx1, i(kFreq_base_fnz), 1
kfreq_base = kFreq_base_tab * kfreq_base_range
kfreq_base = kfreq_base_base + kfreq_base
kFdb_ratio_base chnget "Base2"
kFdb_ratio_base portk kFdb_ratio_base,kporttime*0.05
kFdb_ratio_range chnget "Range2" ; %%%%%
kFdb_ratio_range = kFdb_ratio_base * kFdb_ratio_range
kcps2 chnget "cps2"
kndx2 phasor kcps2
kFdb_ratio_fnz chnget "Fnz2"
kFdb_ratio_tab table kndx2, i(kFdb_ratio_fnz), 1
kFdb_ratio = kFdb_ratio_tab * kFdb_ratio_range
kFdb_ratio = kFdb_ratio_base + kFdb_ratio
kwave chnget "wave1"
;==========amplitude envelope
kamp_env_base_base1 chnget "Base3"
iamp_env_base_range1 chnget "Range3"
kamp_env_cps1 chnget "cps3"
kamp_Env_base_fnz1 chnget "Fnz3"
kamp_env_indx1 phasor kamp_env_cps1
kamp_env_tab1 table kamp_env_indx1, i(kamp_Env_base_fnz1), 1
kamp_env_base1 = kamp_env_tab1 * iamp_env_base_range1
kamp_env_base1 = kamp_env_base_base1 + kamp_env_base1
kpan chnget "pan"
aFB init 0
aCarPhase phasor kfreq_base
aCarrier tablei aCarPhase + aFB, i(kwave),1,0,1
aFB = aCarrier * kFdb_ratio
aCarrier = aCarrier * kamp_env_base1
outs aCarrier * kpan, aCarrier * kpan ;SEND AUDIO TO OUTPUTS
;rampa up concavo>>convesso
f 100 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 246 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.02 163 0.02 164 0.02 164 0.02 164 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.04 164 0.04 163 0.05 164 0.06 164 0.079 164 0.089 164 0.109 246 0.139 164 0.159 163 0.198 164 0.228 164 0.277 164 0.327 164 0.386 164 0.455 164 0.535 163 0.634 164 0.743 164 0.861 164 1.0
f 101 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.02 163 0.02 164 0.02 246 0.02 164 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.04 163 0.05 164 0.05 164 0.06 164 0.069 164 0.079 164 0.089 164 0.099 163 0.119 164 0.129 164 0.149 164 0.168 164 0.188 164 0.208 164 0.228 163 0.248 164 0.277 164 0.307 164 0.337 164 0.366 246 0.396 164 0.436 163 0.475 164 0.515 164 0.554 164 0.604 164 0.653 164 0.703 164 0.752 163 0.812 164 0.871 164 0.931 164 1.0
f 102 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.02 164 0.03 163 0.03 164 0.04 164 0.05 164 0.069 164 0.079 164 0.089 164 0.099 163 0.119 164 0.129 246 0.149 164 0.159 164 0.178 164 0.198 164 0.218 163 0.228 164 0.248 164 0.267 164 0.287 164 0.307 164 0.327 164 0.356 163 0.376 164 0.396 164 0.416 164 0.436 164 0.465 164 0.485 164 0.515 163 0.535 164 0.554 164 0.584 164 0.614 164 0.634 246 0.663 164 0.683 163 0.713 164 0.743 164 0.772 164 0.802 164 0.822 164 0.852 164 0.881 163 0.911 164 0.941 164 0.97 164 1.0
f 103 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.079 164 0.129 164 0.159 163 0.198 164 0.228 164 0.257 164 0.277 164 0.307 164 0.327 164 0.356 163 0.376 164 0.396 246 0.416 164 0.436 164 0.455 164 0.475 164 0.495 163 0.515 164 0.535 164 0.554 164 0.574 164 0.594 164 0.604 164 0.624 163 0.644 164 0.653 164 0.673 164 0.693 164 0.703 164 0.723 164 0.743 163 0.752 164 0.772 164 0.782 164 0.802 164 0.812 246 0.832 164 0.842 163 0.861 164 0.871 164 0.891 164 0.901 164 0.921 164 0.931 164 0.95 163 0.96 164 0.97 164 0.99 164 1.0
f0 3600
i1 0 200