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First feed on UbuntuStudio 16.04


I ask if they happen only to me that when I select with double click one part of code, (opcode or simple code), the selection is not wright (image 001, I select the opcode line);


Cabbage is 32bit only for 64bit Linux system?

thanks very much for now,


The painting issue is most likely to do with the selected font, but you are right, it’s need some work. Why do you say Cabbage is 32bit only? Oh is it because of the About dialogue? That’s an error. I’ll fix that. It should build to match the OS. So if you are using 64bit linux, Cabbage will also be 64 bit.


you’re right, changing font improves…

  • It also points out that in the SignalDisplay example, nothing is displayed in the Waveform/Lissajous mode (1st image);
  • and the “edit/font size” and “edit/Change Font” menu, do not appear correctly (2nd image)
  • I noticed that changing the font size appear other text problems: the part of the same text that is highlighted is not centered changing the font size: when in the code there are many identical words, this option makes it very confusing views (3nd image)

Yes, the about dialogue…

thanks for all…


Thanks I’ll look into these things when I get a minute. Odd that the waveforms are not showing. Do you hear audio when you play a key? If not, make sure your audio devices are set up correctly in Audio Settings and try again. Works fine for me here, but I’m currently working from Windows.


yes, the audio works but is extremely high volume: the others analysis windows works, but the Waveform/Lissajous mode doesn’t works…


I just tried here with Ubuntu16.04. I did a completely fresh build with the latest git tip and everything works fine. Are you going through Jack? I’m not really sure what else to say, the only thing difference is that your using UbuntuStudio for your audio needs, and I’m using KXStudio. But no one else has reported any issues with the signal generator.

The audio does play at max amp, i.e, 1. I should change that so that it plays whatever velocity the note is.


I don’t use Jack because my audio interface doesn’t have the drivers for Linux (but are planned by
This csd works only in the Spectroscope and Spectrogram view:

You say you can depend on the audio drivers?

Many thanks, again


It shouldn’t depend on the audio drivers. I’m just out of ideas. When you go to Cabbage->About does it say version 1.1.01? I can’t think of why this is not working for you.


take your time, is not important for now, is a simply feed… :wink:

the version is 1.1.01…

thanks again…