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Font jumping

Hey Rory - one thing I;m noticing w the Betas from Thurs and today is that the fonts are jumping size - kind of unpredictably. It also initializes with the font much larger than it should be.

on OSX 10.11.6


I think this is a result of the changes I made to allow custom fonts. I will look into as soon as I can get a chance. I’ll be away for the next few days so it will be the end of this week before I can push a fix for it. Sorry about that.

NP. The pre-custom font ver is what we are using in the meantime anyway.

Does the custom font also jump about in places? I can’t quite tell if that’s a custom font in your screencast…

It is just the default font - no custom fonts have been added yet

I can’t seem to recreate the issue on Linux so I will have to wait until I’m back on my OSX machine which should be early next week. Watch this space.

Hi Rory,
I also encounter this fontsize problem for the first time.
It is the same line of code which defines a nslider in each of the code .On the top image, you can see the nslider displaying “0.00”. On the bottom image, it is impossible to read the value ("…" are displayed) because the size of the font is too big (the nslider is above the left silver knob).

Thanks. I hadn’t tried it yet on Windows. I know where the problem is, I just need to find a fix. Shouldn’t be too tricky but it will be the middle of this week before I get around to it. Sorry about the wait.

No problem !
Also another bug I found today. For encoders,the min() value is not respected, turning anticlockwise allow to go beneath the minimum set in the declaration of the encoder.
The max() value is working.

Hope this helps

Btw, does anyone have a simple .csd that illustrates the font jumping problem?

I’m going to revert back to the pre-custom font state. This resolves the font jumping issue. I will take some work back in support for custom font soon.

Hello Rory,
When do you plan to release the reverted version of Cabbage ?
Also I noted that, since last version, it is not possible to modify the code whilst an instrument is running. The previous behaviour was much more handy (being able to change code even when instrument was running).

Thanks, I’ll take a look. Are you saying that you can’t edit the .Csd Duke while the instrument is playing? That’s definitely not nice!

Yes, is if there was a blocking flag saying : Foo.csd is in used by Csound, so cabbage editor is not allowed to modify any opended source code.

I just check that now but I can’t seem to recreate the issue? The following works as expected:

encoder bounds(18, 14, 60, 60) max(10) min(0)

Is there something else causing the problem I wonder?