Hey, I’m relatively new to Cabbage but loving it so far
When using different font styles I can’t seem to get them to work on the labels.
I’m using Cabbage 2.8.0 on MacOS Monterey 12.6…
This should be the relevant code snippets here in my cabbage section:
form caption("SCANNER") size(870, 400), openGL(1) guiMode("queue"), bundle("./MTX", "./Scanner.snaps") typeface("wearealien.ttf") pluginId("SCNd"), colour(255, 140, 240) titleBarColour(255, 100, 255, 255), fontColour(255, 200, 255, 255)
label bounds(0, 10, 870, 50), text("S C A N N E R"), fontColour(255, 210, 255, 255) align("centre")
Also here is a screenshot of the plugin:
I’m not sure if this is Actually a bug or if I’m just doing a bit of an oopsie somewhere, hence why I’m posting into the Stew… if you need more of the code just tag me and I’ll post the rest of it here