I’m using foscil, and trying to hook up my midi sliders to the modulation index.
Foscil says it has a k-rate modulation index… But when I don’t feed it a i-rate kndex, it gets mad. I get an error that there’s no opcode for those arguement types.
What am I doing wrong?
I’m on windows 10, here’s my code:
-odac -+rtmidi=null -M0 ;using cabbage
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
instr 1 ; expects MIDI controller input on channel 1
imax = 1
imin = 0
ichan = 1
ictlno = 7*6 -1 ;this is slider number 1
ictlno2 = 7*6 ;this is slider number 2
ictlno3 = 7*6 +1 ;this is slider number 3
ictlno4 = 7*6 +2 ;this is slider number 4
kamp ctrl7 ichan, ictlno, imin, imax
kamp2 ctrl7 ichan, ictlno2, imin, imax
iamp3 ctrl7 ichan, ictlno3, imin, imax
kamp4 ctrl7 ichan, ictlno4, imin, imax
initc7 1, ictlno4, 0.5
printk2 iamp3, 10
kdex = 1
imidd cpsmidi
asig foscil kamp4/4, imidd, 1, 2*kamp2, 3*kamp, kdex
outs asig, asig
f0 3600
f 1 0 4096 10 1