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Ftgen won't find file


I have an exercise for school where we are supposed to make a sampler using three different samples. I just started and tried to make sure the files were being sent, but when I try to run the program I get the error:

deferred alloc for bass.wav
soundin cannot open bass.wav: No Error.ftable 1: Failed to open file bass.wav

This happens for all three of the samples. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Here are the files:
Forelesning7-sampling.csd (582 Bytes)

Csound cannot find your samples. Try placing them into the same folder as the .csd file. If that doesn’t work, use an absolute path to your samples, i.e., a full path.

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Ahhh ok, used an absolute path and it recognises the files now :smiley: Thank you so much!

Be careful though, if you try to share this instrument with someone else it won’t work because the paths will not be valid!

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Yes thank you, I think my teacher will have to edit the file with his own path.