Hi Rory
I’m trying to help a student getting Logic Pro to run AU plugins made with Cabbage. He’s on MacOS Seqoia and so I have been when trying to help him. So far, we’ve tried a number of things without success:
- sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Cabbage/PluginName.component
- Making sure that the auto codesign option is checked in Cabbage
- sudo codesign -s - /path/to/plugin.component --timestamp --deep –force
- Making sure that the pluginID is unique + starts with a capital letter
- restarting the computer after all of the above
We’ve been testing with v.2.9 since I’ve experienced that some problems with export has been solved by downgrading.
The problem is that the plugin doesn’t show up in Logic (plugin manager).
Any tips on how to proceed?
Best regards, Andreas