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Getting Logic Pro to recognize AU plugins on MacOS Seqoia

Hi Rory
I’m trying to help a student getting Logic Pro to run AU plugins made with Cabbage. He’s on MacOS Seqoia and so I have been when trying to help him. So far, we’ve tried a number of things without success:

  • sudo xattr -rd /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Cabbage/PluginName.component
  • Making sure that the auto codesign option is checked in Cabbage
  • sudo codesign -s - /path/to/plugin.component --timestamp --deep –force
  • Making sure that the pluginID is unique + starts with a capital letter
  • restarting the computer after all of the above
    We’ve been testing with v.2.9 since I’ve experienced that some problems with export has been solved by downgrading.
    The problem is that the plugin doesn’t show up in Logic (plugin manager).
    Any tips on how to proceed?
    Best regards, Andreas

I note that my components live in Users/myusername/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components, not in a Cabbage folder.

Can you get any of the Examples to export and load? Mine all show up in Logic in the “Audio Units” section under “CabbageAudio.”

Sorry for the delay in replying Andreas, I was away for the last few days. Sounds like you’re doing all the right things, but I wouldn’t suggest reverting to 2.9? Can you try with the latest beta build? 2.10.N and see if that’s any better. Also did you try Bryan’s suggestion of moving the .component up a directory, out of the Cabbage folder and directly into the Components folder? You may also want to nuke the AudioUnit cache.

What’s the output from auval -a with regards the Cabbage based plugin.

Hi Rory and Bryan
Thanks so much for your quick response and your tips - and now it works! Yey!!! After upgrading to v.2.10 + moving to the plugins to Users/myusername/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components and avoiding a Cabbage sub-folder + the other stuff I mentioned above, Logic Pro now regignizes the exported AU-plugin.
Tomorrow I will ask my student to replicate the procedure, and hopefully it will work for him as well.
I appreciate the help!
Best, Andreas