This bug could probably be related to the other thing I mentioned over the Csound list. That is, in Linux, I can’t select/move the elements inside a groupbox. Whenever I click on them, the groupbox itself gets selected. The bug of this topic is that if I double-click inside a groupbox, bounds() get mixed up. For example, I created a groupbox with:
groupbox bounds(278, 52, 351, 154), plant(“GUIabst_1”), text(“Selector”), colour(0, 200, 100, 100), fontcolour(255, 255, 255, 255) {
checkbox bounds(16, 32, 28, 25), channel(“chk_1”), shape(“rounded”), colour(“red”)
label bounds(56, 30, 249, 12), text(“Label 1”), fontcolour(“white”), align(“left”)
label bounds(56, 42, 249, 12), text(“Label 2”), fontcolour(“white”), align(“left”)
combobox bounds(206, 30, 60, 25), channel(“combo_1”), channeltype(“string”), text(“3”, “5”, “8”)
Then I double-click on it while in edit-mode and the magic happens:
groupbox bounds(278, 52, 351, 154), plant(“GUIabst_1”), text(“Selector”), colour(0, 200, 100, 100), fontcolour(255, 255, 255, 255) {
checkbox bounds(56, 30, 249, 12), channel(“chk_1”), shape(“rounded”), colour(“red”)
label bounds(56, 42, 249, 12), text(“Label 1”), fontcolour(“white”), align(“left”)
label bounds(16, 32, 28, 25), text(“Label 2”), fontcolour(“white”), align(“left”)
combobox bounds(206, 30, 60, 25), channel(“combo_1”), channeltype(“string”), text(“3”, “5”, “8”)
- Checkbox’s bounds get replaced by label 1 bounds,
- Label 1 -> Label 2,
- Label 2 -> Checkbox,
- Combobox actually stays the same.
What could be happening?
EDIT: I just installed Cabbage in Windows XP(32bit) and I’m observing the same two bugs described above.