First, I just want to say how awesome cabbage is and that without cabbage I would likely have never gotten into cSound at all. Thank you so much for all your hard work!
Second, I have questions… mainly about the guimodes polling vs queue. According to the docs, polling is deprecated and slider control should be using the cabbageset and cabbageget opcodes for efficiency which totally makes sense. Since I am just learning how to use cabbage (and Csound) I am relying heavily on the example files that come with cabbage to see how things work. I’ve been recording a bunch of impulse responses in hopes of experimenting with the convolution capabilities of csound and cabbage. The convolution reverb example uses polling and I looks like the reason might be related to soundfiler requiring more than one variable to be passed in order to update the ir table(s). In this case it would rely on identChannel to convey these other variables. Is that correct? Is there a version of this example that would work in queue mode with cabbageget and cabbageset? I hope my question makes sense. Thanks for reading!