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Happy holidays!

I just want to take the time to wish you all a belated Happy Christmas, and an early Happy New Year :slight_smile:

I’d also like to thank the Cabbage and Csound communities for all the support and help over the past year! Your questions, input, bug reports, feature requests, etc., contribute more to the development of Cabbage than you can ever imagine.

One last thing, I’m rather enjoying the holidays so I’ll be only picking low hanging fruit on the forum for the next week or so! :slight_smile: There are a few issues that we take a bit longer to sort, namely those reported by @Retornz, @circuitdust, and @RZorn. I’ll get to these in the next week or so :+1:

In terms of Cabbage and 2024, I have a few things that I’m burning to get done. One is to replace the existing text editor with the VSCode editor component. I have started this and the initial results look promising. Here is a short, rather useless screencast of how that looks.

The other thing I can’t wait to complete is the webview component which will allow people to bypass the UI system in Cabbage entirely, and instead use a web based UI. This was a video I posted during the year that shows how this might work.

I’m about to start testing some new websocket opcodes written by @Andy.Fillebrown that should make the communication between the web-end and Cabbage a lot smoother and easier to manage than existing solutions. I have no plans to drop support for native widgets in case anyone is getting worried. This feature is only for those who want to have total and utter control of their UIs.

I’m sure there will be many more features and improvements in 2024. I look forward to sharing them with you. :+1:


Merry Xmas & Happy New year too Rory :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot for all the work you put into Cabbage, it’s a really great framework and the new features you announce sound really exciting!
Enjoy you holidays and see you in 2024 :wink:

Happy New Year Rory! :tada:

Thank you again for all the hard work, and can’t wait to play with the webview component!


Good health Rory and happy 2024. Always very grateful for being able to carry out any idea and translate it into Cabbage. The new generations of audio lovers will be very lucky with the current Cabbage and the one to come, which will surely be incredible.
Congratulations and thank you for sharing your talent!

I also wish you a happy New Year, Rory! And once more thanks for always replying helpfully to my questions the last years. The projects for 2024 are exciting. I am really looking forward to those features. See you in 2024!


I hope that you had a wonderful holiday with your friends and family. Sending you all my best for 2024 and looking forward to hanging out with you at the ICSC in Vienna in September - and maybe even in March at Maynooth! Thank you for ALL the amazing gifts that you have given to me, my students, and the world! Cabbage is incredible. I continue to discover many plugins that were designed with it - and continue sharing them and your great work with my students at Berklee. Maybe this semester - a zoom? Take care my friend. -dB

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Thanks so much for the greeting, and for your continued effort on Cabbage. It is good to hear you take care of yourself by taking some holiday days off, as we really appreciate and look forward to your work in the years to come. With your plans for further development, it looks like it will be a happy year for Cabbage and us.

I want to give a belated thank you for the work and dedication you put into this software, Rory.
I haven’t kept myself informed on updates - has the VSCode editor been implemented yet? It was what I was looking forward to the most :grin:

I’m still working on it when I get the time. The basic functionality is there, I just need to stress test it a little.

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