Hi all (Rory …)
I managed to get a .vst output from Cabbage using a couple of the examples & loading it into Reaper & this time it worked … so I’m ‘away’ …
Whilst a lot of my csound FFT usage is not very ‘MIDI’ or realtime friendly, this could be a good opportunity non the less to create a few simple synths & ‘mock up’ instruments …
The issue i am facing really at this point is i tend to, when i occasionally route MIDI via the (somewhat flakey) IAC driver to csound running in the command line …
set massign 0,0
use midiin opcode to harvest my events & send off schedkwhen events to the target instruments … largely as this gives greatest ease & flexibility in managing release phases, & i use tiestatus & tigoto in the receiving instrument to manage the different noteon vs noteoff phases …
i am suspecting this is a little ‘incompatible’ with the method of routing MIDI into Cabbage plugins …
I guess the short Q therefore is ‘what flag / massign combination can i use to get all incoming MIDI events to a single ‘MIDI message manager’ instrument, & route to a second performance instrument from there?’, rather than have to use extratim, linsegr & all those other opcodes that i generally find a lot less flexible & kind of messy to use …
this it also it seems would be a preferred option when dealing with designs that are effectively about ‘natural decay’ etc, i.e. that effectively ignore note off events in favour of fixed p3 durations etc … sustain pedal implementations etc etc …
anyway, i attach a plain garden variety example .csd of a fairly typical looking MIDI based implementation for me, & ask simply ‘what’s the easiest way to dump this into the guts of a cabbage host without redesigning the whole thing’ …
many thanks …
simple sine example.csd (1.5 KB)