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Help with compiling Lore

I am a complete amateur. Tried to compile Lore (pure magnetic) in Mac (10.10 OS).

I get this message and I don’t understand what I am doing wrong…
Thanks in advance for your help.

Csound output message console
WARNING: could not open library ‘/Library/Frameworks/CsoundLib64.framework/Versions/6.0/Resources/Opcodes64/libosc.dylib’ (-1)
WARNING: could not open library ‘/Library/Frameworks/CsoundLib64.framework/Versions/6.0/Resources/Opcodes64/librtjack.dylib’ (-1)
UnifiedCSD: /Users/a/Downloads/Lore-main-1/Lore Experimental Sound Console/Lore.csd
rtaudio: PortAudio module enabled …
using callback interface
Macro definition for omacro:GROUPBOX=lineThickness(0.5), outlineThickness(0.5), colour(“5,500,0,0”)
Macro definition for omacro:BUTTON1=fontColour:0(“250,250,250,200”), fontColour:1(“250,250,250”), outlineColour(“250,250,250”), colour:0(0,0,0), outlineThickness(2), corners(0), automatable(1)
Macro definition for omacro:SLIDER1=trackerColour(255,255,255), textColour(255,255,255,200), trackerBackgroundColour(250,250,250,808), trackerThickness(0.05), popupText(0), _isSlider(“yes”)

error: syntax error, unexpected T_IDENT (token “cabbageGetValue”)
from file includes/EffectsManager.orc (3), from file /Users/a/Downloads/Lore-main-1/Lore Experimental Sound Console/Lore.csd (1), line 16:

          SelectedEffect cabbageGetValue <<<

Unexpected untyped word SelectedEffect when expecting a variable
Parsing failed due to invalid input!
Stopping on parser failure
cannot compile orchestra
WARNING: Csound not ready for performance: csoundStart() has not been called

What version of Cabbage are you using? You’ll need fairly recent version. Suggest you download the latest beta as I know this is what Micah is using to create lore. You can get the latest MacOS version here. you will also need the latest version of Csound.

With those installed try again and let me know how you get on. By the way 10.10 is pretty old I’m not 100% sure that Cabbage or Csound will run okay on such an old OS :grimacing:

p.s., welcome to the forum!

Hi, thanks for your feedback, version 2.7 of Cabbage is the highest my computer can use, and I downloaded the latest Csound version. Still does not work…I guess it has to do with the OS…
Thanks again with your help!

yes, I’m afraid to say it looks that way :frowning: sorry about that.