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Help with filter

I am trying to make a 1 knob filter but for some reason there is just no sound coming out of this filter no matter what i try anybody know why?

form caption("Deep End") size(530, 480), colour("black"), pluginID("Deep")
image , , file("background2.png"), bounds(0, 0, 530, 480) 
image , , file("deep logo.png"), bounds(0, 0, 530, 220) 
image , , file("mylogogrey.png"), bounds(-40, 390, 248, 147) 
image , , file("psalogogrey.png"), bounds(372, 342, 248, 263)
groupbox bounds(68, 180, 395, 115) 
signaldisplay bounds(76, 186, 380, 103), colour("red"), backgroundcolour("black"), displaytype("waveform"), signalvariable("aSig")
rslider bounds(150, 268, 239, 216), channel("deep"), range(0, 1, 0, 1, 0.01), , trackercolour(255, 255, 255, 0), outlinecolour(43, 41, 41, 0), textcolour(0, 0, 0, 255) colour(63, 60, 60, 255), imgfile("Slider", "knob2.svg") 

-n -d
sr = 44100
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 2

instr 1
    kFdBack chnget "deep"
    kFco chnget "deep"
    kGain chnget "deep"
    aInL inch 1
    aInR inch 2
    aOutL, aOutR reverbsc aInL, aInR, kFdBack, kFco
    outs aOutL*kGain, aOutR*kGain

f1 0 1024 10 1
i1 0 z

Can you post a .csd file example instead?

DEEP END.csd (1.1 KB)

Try this instead:

instr 1
kMain chnget “deep”

kFdBack = kMain
kFco = kMain * 10000
kGain = kMain

aInL inch 1
aInR inch 2
aOutL, aOutR reverbsc aInL, aInR, kFdBack, kFco
outs aOutL*kGain, aOutR*kGain



nope didnt work

Deep End.csd (948 Bytes)

Tested this one in FL Studio, seems to work?

I’ve the same thing as @hdale94 and it works fine for me:

instr 1
    kFdBack chnget "deep"
    kFco chnget "deep"
    kGain = chnget:k("deep") * 10000
    aInL inch 1
    aInR inch 2
    aOutL, aOutR reverbsc aInL, aInR, kFdBack, kFco
    outs aOutL*kGain, aOutR*kGain