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How do I start using the "presetbutton" widget?

I wanted to try what seems to be the new preset system, but I can’t figure out how to use it.

My last attempts to test it have been nothing but crashes.
Is there like, some basic things to know?

Does the example that ships with Cabbage not work?

For some reason if I try to use this code in any instrument it crashes. :’)

I just tested with the latest beta and it worked fine for me? I didn’t export, but I on’t suspect that would cause any issues. Are you exporting or simply running it within Cabbage? Might be worth updating to the latest beta just so we’re on the same page.

I already upgraded to the latest version, plus I am running the instrument inside Cabbage.

I think my problem is more of a bug. Using the example, whenever I try to save a preset with either “Save”, “Save as”, the program crashes.

Oh, and I just tested once exported the instrument - in FL Studio, it seems to work correctly!

Maybe this is related to the bug I reported about file explorer crashes when running an instrument in Cabbage :thinking: