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How to couple echo and reverb with chnmix?


Here is a following set of instr, inst reverb and Echo are running for ever. and are receiving the audio signal from inst 1.

instr reverb
  aIn chnget "reverSend"
 aOut reverb ...
 outs aOut,aOut
chnclear "reverSend"

instr Echo
  aIn chnget "EchoSend"
 aOut reverb ...
 outs aOut,aOut
 chnclear "EchoSend"

Instr 1 
 chnmix aOut,"EchoSend"
 chnmix aOut, "reverbSend"
 outs aOut, aOut

I would like to send the output of the instr Echo to the instrument reverb, I should I do ?

Thank you for help.

Can you just use another channel?

instr reverb
 aIn chnget "reverSend"
 aIn2 chnget "EchoReturn"
 aOut reverb ...
 outs aOut,aOut
 chnclear "reverSend"
 chnclear "EchoReturn"

instr Echo
  aIn chnget "EchoSend"
  aOut reverb ...
  outs aOut,aOut
  chnset aOut, "EchoReturn"

Yes indeed… You are rght, I tried it before but I implemented it in a buggy way… Now it works very well.
Thank you.

You could also do it with global channels. Note that if you wish to use feedback delays to create filters you will need to set ksmps to 1. If you are just doing general echo/delay lines ksmps=32 should be small enough.