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How to timescaling/stretching with "a" rate


Just a question about opcodes for time stretching, are there any opcode can receiving a real time “a” rate signal instead of receiving the signal from a table? (opcodes like timpscal are all receiving “i” from an fatable to read soundfile from GEN01)?

As soon as you begin time-stretching real-time audio it is, of course, no longer real-time audio. For this reason, time-stretching opcodes that use a buffer (e.g. GEN01) are still valid - you just need to be writing the live audio stream into the GEN01 table. Another alternative it to use an f-sig buffer. Inevitably you will need to build some code around the main opcode in order to get this to work and there are a couple of Cabbage examples that do this: TimeSlip and PvsBuffer, both in the effects folder.

Where can we find this effect folder, btw?

It’s built into Cabbage: File->Examples->Effects…