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Hrange/vrange ready? (fixed)

Should hrange and vrange be ready for use?
I tested the following csd on Windows (most recent 32 bit with Cabbage’s own Csound version) but the result is an immediate crash. On Mac it doesn’t crash but the widget doesn’t appear. It’s obviously the hrange that is causing the crash on Windows as removing removes the crash. The widget code was taken from the manual example.
I’m looking forward to replacing the flaky hslider2s!

form caption("Test") size(410, 520)
hrange bounds(92, 16, 400, 30), channel("rangeone1", "rangetwo1"), range(-2000, 100, -100:100, 1, .001)
-dm0 -n
instr	1
i 1 0 3600

And here was me thinking that you’ve been using thee without a problem for weeks! Ok, I caught that bug. And I’m preparing a release.

I mean to say yesterday that version 1.0 should work with h and v range sliders. At least it’s not longer crashing for me here.

Yup. Seems okay on Windows, I’ll check Mac later. Cabbage still seems a bit crashy here: mostly when doing a reload instrument and also when saving (and therefore reloading) from Cabbage’s own editor. I wonder if others are experiencing this also.

The Cabbage editor isn’t linking to the Cabbage manual (Csound manual link is fine). According to the GUI, the Cabbage and Csound manuals seem to use the same keyboard shortcut (F1).

Looking forward to trying out the other new goodies I haven’t caught up with yet.

Seems to work fine here on OSX, but as I said previously, they probably need a thorough test drive. I’ve not noticed any issues with the editor on Windows, mostly because I’m not using Windows much at all these days. But I am currently working on a Cabbage project so I might start using Windows for it so that I can see for myself what’s going on.

The editor will launch the Csound manual if you are in the Csound section of the code, and the Cabbage manual if you are currently in the Cabbage section of the code. It will try to launch the opcode or widget specific file that the cursor is on. But perhaps I should just have two separate menu commands?

If you can find any examples that consistently crash Cabbage on Windows it would be a huge help.

hrange is still giving me an immidiate crash on Windows 10 64bit. Using latest beta build.

Best to avoid it I think until the new version is ready. have you tried the latest beta of Cabbage 2 on Windows, it should be working fine there?