I kept seeing this name in the corner of the examples, and was thinking damn this guy is the guru of Cabbage/Csound.
@iainmccurdy Awesome work, seriously… and so generous of you to put all this out opensource. I checked out your website and saw that you do installation art, which is one of my favorite things. Berlin is cool too, several of my Electronic Musician friends have lived there, Jimmy Edgar, Travis Stewart (MachineDrum) and Sohil Azad (DJ Kero / Detroit Underground). I am also working on Cables.gl beta testing with those badass ninja Berlin based web developers, and in the past worked on 3D holographic lenticular screens with a German based team (we did a badass art installation with one of the screens at Art Basel years back as well)
Anyway, what I have been wondering, in the light there are so many things included in Cabbage that are closely related to what I was planning on making and would function well as starting points, how do I proceed if I would like to create a derivative work, or alternately I would be keen to collaborate with you and share profits if you are interested.
Are the included examples licensed as GPL v3, or are there other licenses / copyrights to consider?
At any rate, sheesh, thanks for filling up my AU folder with unique new plugin craziness guys @iainmccurdy and @rorywalsh Great work guys! <3