Really hope this isn’t something I’m going to look at in like ten minutes and be like “I wish there was a delete button”!
So I don’t know if I’m misunderstanding the use, but say I have a groupbox which starts off pink, and I want to make it black when a button is pressed, something like
groupbox text(sad_reacts_only), bounds(110, 310, 100, 320), colour("pink"), fontcolour("teal"), identchannel("pls"),
And within an instrument I try to set this (this is in a conditional but for simplicities sake):
;formatting message so there's a space after the comma above, and end with a comma for future additions
chnset " colour(0, 0, 0), ", "pls"
Should that not be expected to update the groupbox background colour to black? Might be missing something rly stupid, but a similar thing was happening with chnsetting “visible”, which I ended up getting around by chnsetting “bounds” instead!
(Edit: audio settings are fine, that was throwing me in the link slider days)