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Includes in exported effect outside of vst?

I’m not sure if this is possible… I tried a test or two but didn’t have much luck.

Is it possible to include files that are outside of the directory tree of the self contained vst package? For instance, if a group of instruments share common include files, would/should it be possible to have a single copy of the include files existing a directory up from each exported .vst package to be shared between them?

I would have assumed so. You’d just have to adjust your paths accordingly. So you’ll need to use a few '…/…/'s? This didn’t work no? It should?

I would have expected it to also… obviously I’ll be a bit disappointed if it doesn’t given how I’ve been redesigning all of my instruments.

I tried adding the expected …/ and didn’t have luck. I fiddled a few ways and think I tried an extra … too just in case. I haven’t tried an absolute path yet. While not ideal, that might be the best test for the concept of including from outside of it’s “scope”

i can test it out myself. It might be particular to OSX. Absolute paths should definitely work. I tried that yesterday for another user. But relative paths really ought to. I can take a look later.

Yeah, I just tried again with a super simplified example, all of the fancy stuff stripped out. It took two moves up the directory tree “…/…” to find it. I think I should be able to get this working with the real instruments… :cold_sweat:

this raises a csound question rather than cabbage, is it possible to include a file with a dynamically derived name? i can’t for the life of me figure out how. i’ve tried all sorts of variations starting with:
#ifdef IS_A_PLUGIN
#define PATH_PREFIX #"…/…/includes"#
#define PATH_PREFIX #“includes”#

But I can’t find a way to incorporate that into the actual path, such as:
#include "$PATH_PREFIX/anyfile.csd"
or even the ridiculously conceived:
#include strcat $PATH_PREFIX, "anyfile.csd"

and I’ve tried about everything in-between.

Yikes, I’m not sure. I tend to avoid macros completely. @iainmccurdy might be able to answer that, or better still, it might be one of the Csound list.