Hello everyone,
I am currently trying to install the loris opcodes for Csound but I am stumbling on the make step.
I downloaded the project folder at this address : http://github.com/tractal/loris
I used the configure script which outputs this
----- Configuration Summary -----
FFTW support: Disabled.
Add something to CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS to enable.
See ./configure --help.
Python support: Disabled.
Define PYTHON or add something to CPPFLAGS to enable.
See ./configure --help.
Csound support: Disabled.
Define CSOUND_CONFIG or add something to CPPFLAGS to enable.
See ./configure --help.
----- End Of Configuration -----
I can’t figure out how to enable FFTW support. I don’t know how to use CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
Also, I wish to enable Csound support.
Did anyone already manage to install Loris? The morphing engine sounds so well…
Maybe there’s an easier way to do this.
I am using Csound (Csound6) and macOs 10.13.2.