I had looked at that example quite a while ago, it actually was an eye opener that really helped me understand some of the fancier things I could do with the widgets. I pulled up that example again, and I don’t see anything relevant to my question… but I could be missing something.
Yes, I’d like to draw a new image to the widget. The instrument has a filebutton to select a .png file, I’d like the image file selected by the user at run time to be dynamically displayed in the image widget.
I tried:
Sfile chnget "filename"
if changed(Sfile)==1 then
chnset sprintfk("file(%s)",Sfile), "image-c"
chnset sprintfk("text(Loading %s)",Sfile), "debug"
But it doesn’t seem to be working. Just in case, these are the widgets:
filebutton bounds( 5, 5, 90, 25), text("Open Image","Open Image"), fontcolour("white") channel("filename"), shape("ellipse")
image bounds(226, -2, 200, 150), identchannel("image-c")