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Issue with CLIConverter (MacOS, ARM, latest beta build)


I am trying to update my scripts using CLIConverter on MacOS.

The following command actually launches Cabbage but does not work because of path issues:

/Applications/ --export-VST=/Users/julienbeisel/Desktop/GitRepos/Transient-Shaper-Toolkit/audioshaper2.csd

According to the log below, it looks like the parsing of the paths fails.


julienbeisel@MacBook-Pro-de-Julien-2 Transient-Shaper-Toolkit % /Applications/ --export-VST=/Users/julienbeisel/Desktop/GitRepos/Transient-Shaper-Toolkit/audioshaper2.csd

Usage: CLIConverter --export-TYPE="name of csd file" --destination="some absolute or relative dir"

If you leave out the destination, exports will be placed into the same folder as the csd file

mkdir: / No such file or directory

cp: / No such file or directory

cp: /Applications/ unable to copy extended attributes to / No such file or directory

cp: / No such file or directory

cp: /Applications/ unable to copy extended attributes to / No such file or directory

cp: / No such file or directory

cp: /Applications/ unable to copy extended attributes to / No such file or directory

cp: / No such file or directory

cp: / No such file or directory

cp: /Applications/ unable to copy extended attributes to / No such file or directory

cp: / No such file or directory

cp: / No such file or directory

cp: / No such file or directory

Is there something I’m not doing right?



Did this work before? Can you try specifying an output path?

I confirm this is working with the option --destination!
I’m not sure it was working without it though. I probably forgot I had the same issue when I set up my Azure Pipeline.

I’ll use it this way then. Thanks!

julienbeisel@MacBook-Pro-de-Julien-2 Transient-Shaper-Toolkit % /Applications/ --export-VST=/Users/julienbeisel/Desktop/GitRepos/Transient-Shaper-Toolkit/audioshaper2.csd --destination="/Users/julienbeisel/Desktop/GitRepos/Transient-Shaper-Toolkit"

Usage: CLIConverter --export-TYPE="name of csd file" --destination="some absolute or relative dir"

If you leave out the destination, exports will be placed into the same folder as the csd file

Update: I know why I didn’t try fixing it using “–destination”.

I renamed my git repo folder “Git Repo” instead of “GitRepo”. For some reasons it doesn’t work. Maybe it’s because I don’t understand how to properly write path with spaces in the terminal but using quotes should be working.

julienbeisel@MacBook-Pro-de-Julien-2 Transient-Shaper-Toolkit % /Applications/ --export-VST="/Users/julienbeisel/Desktop/Git Repos/Transient-Shaper-Toolkit/audioshaper2.csd" --destination="/Users/julienbeisel/Desktop/Git Repos/Transient-Shaper-Toolkit"

Usage: CLIConverter --export-TYPE="name of csd file" --destination="some absolute or relative dir"

If you leave out the destination, exports will be placed into the same folder as the csd file

mkdir: /Users/julienbeisel/Desktop/Git: File exists

mkdir: Repos: No such file or directory

cp: Repos/Transient-Shaper-Toolkit/audioshaper2.vst is not a directory

Quotes should work fine? Is it working now?

Yes, when I specify “–destination” and there are no spaces in the path it works.

If the path contains spaces, it doesn’t work, even with quotes. (cf my edit of the message above).
I think the CLIConverter script doesn’t use quotes, that’s what the log above seems to indicate, because the path is truncated at the first space.

Great, thanks for sharing the fix with us. It’s nice to be able to automate the generation of plugins across different platforms. :+1: