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Keyboard value(val) not working


I’m trying to set a keyboard in a vst I’m working on, and the trouble I’m having is very simple:

I’m trying to get the keyboard to begin to the leftmost key with an E2, and this should be done by writing in the keyboard line “value (52)”. It is not working with any number nor letter, it always begins from C-2. I have the arrows off by the opcode “scrollbars(0)” and it’s how I need those to be.
How can I solve it?
Is it a bug of the “value” opcode?

Thanks to everyone

Hi @Gabriele_Manniello welcome to the forum. This working Ok for me. What version of Cabbage are you using? Might be best to grab the latest dev snapshot as I fixed some keyboard related issues a few months ago. You can grab the latest installers here.

Hey @rorywalsh,
Thank you for replying.

I think I’m using the latest version, I’ve downloaded it yesterday, but value() does not work.

Can you prepare a basic example and post it here? I will check it later today.


This is the cabbage default synth, only with disabled scrollbar on the keyboard and value(52) should make the keyboard begin from midi note 52, so E2 on the keyboard.

Fact is that it begins with C-2 no matter what number I put in `value()

Basic Synth.csd (624 Bytes) `

Your example works fine here?

That is how it should work, but what happens is this:

The screenshot I sent was from my Windows machine. I’ll try from my Mac later today. But I can’t think why it would be any different there. We’ll see…

I just tried on my Mac and it works fine. Can you confirm that you are using the latest version? You can see the version number in the Help->About dialogue. I’m using 2.8.128

I just downloaded it again from the website and it’s the same version I’ve already had: 2.8.0…it should be the latest

Ah, the link I sent you was for the latest beta, not the current release. Can you install from there?

Yes, with that beta it works…thanks!

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