Just modified the UDO so that the value for the slider’s min/max gets normalized to 0 - 1
opcode filmStrip, 0,Siiikkk
Sident, iframes, iWidth, iHeight, kval, kmin, kmax xin
knorm = (kval - kmin) / (kmax - kmin) ; normalize min and max values to 0 - 1 range
if changed(kval) == 1 then
SMessage sprintfk "crop(0, %d, %d, %d)", int(knorm*iframes)*iHeight, iWidth, iHeight
chnset SMessage, Sident
this also changes the UDO call to something like
iknobW = 50 ;knob width
iknobH = 50 ; knob height
iframes = 100 ; number of image frames
filmStrip "rsliderIdent1", iframes, iknobW, iknobH, kchop, 0.03, 0.5
where 0.03 is the min and 0.5 is the max