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Little GUI widget slugs and wishes

Thanks for testing. I didn’t have a chance to give it a proper go. I’ve merged the the cmake branch into the develop branch. So do this:

git checkout develop

python --config=Debug --project=Cabbage --build=False

Then go to your build folder and open the Cabage.xcodeproj file. Hit the green play button to build. Wait for the crash. You should get a stack trace which will show the methods that were called right up to the point of the crash. See if you can spot the last Cabbage method called. That would be mot helpful.

hmmm… nowhere to be found, before I had it in cabbage-cmake?

Pull from develop after you check it out. You can check the contents against what you see when you visit the GitHub repo online…

Thanks for your patient guiding! Got it from develop (ver. 2.8.40). Couldn’t make it crash yet :slight_smile: I’ll use this build and let you know.

Great. You can keep running Cabbage from xcode and that way, if you do crash, Xcode should provide some useful information. Great that you have it all set up.

OK. I got a crash now. I’m not sure what info would be useful to you?

I guess I need to leave it in the running/debugging mode after it crashes (not press the stop button) in order to see the stack trace (where is it?) - I know, stupid questions… :persevere:

Maybe you could point me to the right place?
Here is a screenshot maybe holding some info?

…and the error is: (12): EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0)

Thanks for this. Does it crash at this point consistently?

Yes, it seems so. This only happens when I stop the instrument. Not every time though. The stopping seems a bit slow…

This could definitely be a side-effect of my last fix. In order to address that issue, I need to put in a recompile, just before killing an instrument. This was the only way to return the widgets states all back to tabula rasa. I will search for a better way :+1:

Ok, I just pushed another possible solution now. I think it’s cleaner as we don’t have to recompile, or do anything with Csound when we stop or enter edit mode. To build, just do git pull origin develop from the Cabbage dir and update your build project. Can you let me know if it works?

Great you found a possible solution. I’ll of course let you know. Btw. super easy to update this way :slight_smile:
I can already tell that stopping my instrument is now (v. 2.8.44) noticeably faster, more tests on the way. Thanks!

Have you reverted back to the previous behaviour? Ver. 2.8. 44 seems to be again updating csd code. :confused:

Do you mean regarding the custom identifier stuff?

Yes, custom identifier stuff.
Image and label seem to be fine - no code update there.

I just tried here and I can’t seem to create the same issues we have before, whereby the custom identifiers would get removed when entering edit mode?

It’s not that, but this:

I still don’t see any problems here:

This is puzzling… On my side it behaves differently.

Can you try removing the build folder and building again? After you remove the build dir, you need to run this command again

python --project=Cabbage --config=Debug

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I just did that. The same behaviour as before.