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Load a folder

I am developing a plugin and I need to load a complete folder since the beginning of the code, not with a button. Something with relative routes or similar. How can I do that?
The plugin has to work in any computer.

Thank you very much!!

What do you mean when you say you need to load a folder? What are you trying to do?

We are trying to load 612 HRTF .wav files from a folder. We are loading that folder with a filebutton, but now we need to do it automatically.

Here is the way we are doing that.

SFilepath chnget “loadfolder”
if changed:k(SFilepath) == 1 then
gSSamplePath = SFilepath
printks SFilepath, 0
event “i”, 1001, 0, 0.1

;when user has selected folder, load them into function tables

instr 1001
prints “Loading files to function tables”
iFirstTableNumber = 10
SFilepath chnget “loadfolder”
kTrig = 1 ;using k-rate version because of bug with i-rate version
gkNumTables ftsamplebank SFilepath, iFirstTableNumber, kTrig, 0, 4, 1
gSFiles[ ] directory SFilepath, “.wav”
giHRTF ftgen 2,0,0,1,gSFiles[0],0,0,0

If you know where the folder will be located in relation to the .csd you can hard code SFilepath yourself? For example:

instr 1001
prints "Loading files to function tables"
iFirstTableNumber = 10
SFilepath = "/Samples"
kTrig = 1 ;using k-rate version because of bug with i-rate version
gkNumTables ftsamplebank SFilepath, iFirstTableNumber, kTrig, 0, 4, 1
gSFiles[ ] directory SFilepath, ".wav"
giHRTF ftgen 2,0,0,1,gSFiles[0],0,0,0

In this case Csound should load all the files in a folder called Samples that resides in the same folder as your .csd file.

If i do it this way… it works.

prints "Loading files to function tables"
iFirstTableNumber = 10
SFilepath = "/Users/thomasviana/Documents/Thomas Viana/Universidad/Proyecto de Grado/Samples"
kTrig = 1 ;using k-rate version because of bug with i-rate version
gkNumTables ftsamplebank SFilepath, iFirstTableNumber, kTrig, 0, 4, 1
gSFiles[ ] directory SFilepath, ".wav"
giHRTF ftgen 2,0,0,1,gSFiles[0],0,0,0

But, it doesn’t work just by typing …SFilepath = “/Samples”. There is an error opening directory.
Any help?

Try “Samples/”

What you were using “/Samples” is probably trying to look at the root of your file system for a folder called samples, rather than in the relative location.

Perfect! It worked! :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Thanks @t_grey, that was a rookie mistake on my part!

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No problem, easily overlooked by anyone. :spy: