I’m on an Ubuntu 14.04 machine with csound 6.08.
I’ve cloned cabbage from git development branch few days ago:
git clone https://github.com/rorywalsh/cabbage.git -b develop --single-branch
and built with:
./buildCabbage “/usr/local/include/csound” “/usr/local/lib” "${HOME}/SDKs/VST3SDK
Everything went smooth (Now I have version 1.1.05) but when exporting LV2 effect I’ve got the error window:
/home/stefanus/cabbage-develop/cabbage/Builds/Linux/CabbageBuild/CabbagePluginEffectLV2.so cannot be found?
And nothing get exported.
Exporting VST effect seems to work, in the selected directory I obtain a .so end a copy of the .csd
Is there something to do to fix the LV2 export problem?
Thank you in advance