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LV2 support in Cabbage3

I’m starting with a first message on this thread dedicated to Cabbage3. I understood that Cabbage3 would not use JUCE because of the uncertainties on its license. Furthermore, I read that the LV2 format was not taken into account by Cabbage because it was not taken into account by JUCE. By getting rid of JUCE, wouldn’t it be an opportunity to favor the LV2 format for plugins, a format that seems to be very well taken into account by most DAWs.


I can take a look. I’m now using iPlug2 which doesn’t support Linux, so I don’t know if it ever bothered with LV2s. Support for CLAP was recently added, so that could be an alternative. I do plan to build Cabbage 3 for Linux too, but it might take some work.

btw, nice that we have the first Cabbage 3 post :slight_smile:

A port for Linux is in progress (, but it seems complicated…


I think much of the complexity is tied up in the graphics. Cabbage 3 uses hardly any native graphic rendering so I’m hoping a port should be trivial. :crossed_fingers: