Hi there, I’m working on a microtonal synthesizer that eventually I would like to turn into a physical instrument - but currently I am attempting to build it virtually.
This is my first coding project and while I have a lot of little questions (the csd file I have attached is more of a skeleton for the end project and has a lot of nonfunctional parts at the moment), the biggest question I have is regarding the organization of the instruments.
Currently I have individual instruments with specific Hz values mapped individually per button for a few octaves of 17-EDO. Ideally I want to have these organized in a way that I could easily swap octaves or build a generic template that could easily swap in other Hz values for other EDOs. I’m sure there’s a way I could organize this through a table or some other method, but I’m not quite sure what to look for in the manual or how to implement it in practice. I’m more than willing to start over from scratch with a much simpler method than what I came up with, but I figured that building a semi-functional version of the synthesizer would be easier than trying to explain what I am attempting to create through text.
Test.csd (15.7 KB)